Easymatrix Estimator

What is your anticipated monthly billable volume of die-cutting (i.e. revenue you expect from the new Easymatrix), excluding the value of the substrate/carton?
How many jobs do you typically die-cut per month?
What is the average run length of the jobs in 41'' format?
What percentage of your work are repeat jobs?
What percentage of your work requires stripping?
What is the average production speed of your current die-cutter?
What is the width of your existing Die-Cutter?
How many minutes does it take in average to complete a first time Make-Ready for a new job (in minutes)?

Estimate Results per job

Calculation of the savings potential of the Easymatrix compared to the existing machine

Weekly Usage in Hours

Estimated Net Present Value (NPV) after 3, 5 and 10 years